DiseasesHow can I stop my insomnia?

How can I stop my insomnia?

Insomnia means difficulty in sleeping


The quality of life, mood , work porformanceand, your daily energy level are all directly associated with your sleep quality. Still Feeling tired after getting 7 hours of sleep , waking up at night and not being able to fall asleep again can be frustrating and can really hinder your day to day life. Insomnia causes you to feel tired , restless, and dizzy all day long , which can be the major issue while performing other tasks which need to be done on time.

How much you sleep or how much sleep you need totally depends on the individual. Some may feel satisfied and refreshed after getting 5 or 6 hours of sleep while others may want 7 to 8 hours of sleep. but average adults take 7 to 8 hours of sleep each day.

What are some of the numerous types of sleep disorders? 

At some point in life , people face insomnia or sleeping disorder. This may be acute(short term insomnia) or chronic(long term insomnia). Acute insomnia lasts only for days or weeks , while at the same time chronic insomnia lasts longer, around a month or more than that.

Cause for both types of insomnia varies, acute insomnia can occur due to stress or some traumatic events in life, whereas chronic insomnia occurs due to other reasons such as medical issues or medications . We can indicate acute insomnia as a preliminary level of sleep disorder. It is not the case to worry if you observe and make changes in some of your daily habits.

The body’s own timekeeping system 

When it comes to sleeping and waking, the body’s internal clock is in charge. The 24-hour circadian clock affects a wide range of biological activities, including sleep, hunger. For example, a typical body temperature ranges from 97 to 99.4 degrees Fahrenheit between the hours of 5 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Daytime sodium excretion and urination tend to be higher, on average, than nighttime. Cortisol releases peaks in the morning, when hormone levels are at their lowest. Growth hormone and testosterone production peak at night.

Give To Harbal Medicne Like best Taking the sleep hormone Herbal  melatonin 10MG is recommended to help induce sleep, but there is a good deal of confusion about how much to take The pineal gland secretes melatonin at night, which is known as the “dark hormone. You can also Buy Zopiclone in Cheap price online and Treat of Insomnia.” 

The body’s internal clock is established by the daily cycles of light and darkness. Jet lag and shift workers’ persistent sleep difficulties are caused by a disruption in the normal interaction of light and dark with wakefulness and sleep.

“Our body is like a clock,” wrote Robert Burton in 1628, “if one wheel is wrong the rest are disordered with such beautiful art and harmony is a man composed.” Travel-related sleep disorders have been there even before the jet age.

Primary insomnia results from what? 

Primary insomnia’s source remains a mystery. It could be a temporary setback, or it could be the result of a major life event, such as a trip or a change in routine. Insomnia helpers like zopiclone 10mg and zopisign can be used. 

What’s the source of secondary sleepiness?? 

Secondary insomnia can be brought on by or occur simultaneously with any of the following conditions: 

  • disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression (PTSD) 
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI) 
  • Diseases of the nervous system, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s 
  • Arthritis and other conditions that cause long-term pain 
  • Asthma and sleep apnea are two conditions that make it difficult to breathe. 
  • Hormonal imbalances, such as thyroid issues 
  • Heartburn and other gastrointestinal issues 
  • Stroke 
  • The restless legs syndrome is another common sleep condition (RLS) 
  • Hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms 
  • Cancer 
  • Medications that treat cancer, asthma, heart disease and allergies might have unpleasant side effects. 
  • It’s best to see your doctor or nurse to rule out other health issues that could be interfering with your sleep. 

Tobacco products contain caffeine and nicotine, which can impair sleep if taken within a few hours of bedtime. There is a risk that you will wake up too early and not be able to fall back asleep after consuming alcohol. 

A harrowing experience. Traumatic events such as accidents, natural disasters, assaults, or war can make it difficult for some people to go asleep or stay asleep. 

  • Unhealthy sleeping conditions. You may find it challenging to get a good night’s sleep in an unsuitable bed or sleeping area. 
  • A partner who has difficulty sleeping. It’s possible that your sleep will be disrupted if you share your bed with someone who snores or suffers from sleep apnoea. Sleep apnea and snoring are both treatable conditions. 
  • Pregnancy. It’s common to wake up frequently during the third trimester of pregnancy due to discomfort, leg cramps or the urge to use the restroom. 
  • It’s a new family. Postpartum hormonal changes might cause sleep disturbances. Young newborns rarely sleep for more than a few hours at once, and they need to be fed every few hours to keep them awake and hydrated. 

Will sleeplessness stay for prolonged period of time? 

It all depends on what you’re looking for. Acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) insomnia (long-term). There is a difference between short-term acute insomnia and long-term chronic insomnia that can last up to three months or more. 16 

People who suffer from low energy levels, for example, may experience fatigue in the morning. As a result, you may be prone to feelings of anxiety and depression as well as irritability and difficulty concentrating or remembering things. 

When to see a doctor?

To find out the source of your sleep problem and how to manage it, consult your doctor if insomnia makes it difficult for you to function during the day.

Your doctor can mention you to see a sleep clinic for specialized testing if they find  you may have a sleep condition.

Our body works in a cycle, it is linked with our brain and nervous system that makes our body to function in a proper way or disorderly. There are things which are essential and are linked with a good night’s sleep. Also, it is recommended by the doctors to follow strictly to avoid major issues further in life.

How can a doctor help you with identifying the symptoms of insomnia? 

Your doctor will perform a physical exam and inquire about your symptoms, daily routines, and level of stress in order to determine whether or not you suffer from insomnia. 

Also, your doctor might: 

Ask about your sleep schedule. Track your sleeping, waking, and napping schedules. Keep a sleep diary to keep tabs on how much time you spend in bed and how you feel during the day. Track your menstrual cycle on your calendar if you’re still menstruating. 

Some medications, such as those prescribed for heart disease and depression, may interfere with one’s ability to sleep. 19 Tell your doctor or nurse about all of the medications you take, including prescription and over-the-counter ones. 

Have you completed a polysomnogram, a type of sleep study (PSG). It’s necessary to spend the night at a sleep centre or hospital for a sleep study to gather data. Your brain, eye movements, heart rate, and blood pressure are all monitored as you sleep. Snoring, chest movements, blood oxygen levels, and how much air passes through your nose while you breathe are all recorded by machines. 

A doctor who specialises in sleep medicine may also be able to help you with a diagnosis. He may prescribe Zopifresh 7.5mg or Blue Zopiclone. Find a doctor of sleep medicine in your area. 


List of symptoms that may occur when you have a sleeping disorder issue.

* Problem in falling asleep at night

* Waking up frequently during the night

* Waking up ahead of time in the morning

* Not feeling rested after a night’s sleep

* Feeling tired all day long or dizziness

* (Irritability, depression or anxiety) issues

* Problem paying attention, focusing on tasks or memorizing

* Increased errors or accidents

* Ongoing concerns about sleep

What is the ideal way to deal with insomnia? 

Your sleep/wake schedule may return to normal on its own if your insomnia is caused by a temporary shift in your sleep/wake routine, such as jet lag. Zopisign 10 can be used for its treatment. 

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), prescription medications, and home remedies can be used to treat chronic or long-term insomnia. 

Other than that let’s take a detailed view on how to cure insomnia by using different techniques –

# 1. Exercise

According to the doctor – “ Charlene Gamaldo, M.D.  – M.D of Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep at Howard County General Hospital .  Exercising is a great way to fall asleep quickly and improves the quality of sleep. She adds that ‘ I encourage people to listen to their body to see how well they sleep in response to when they work out’ .

I recommend you to get wholesome knowledge about exercise and how it can benefit you in your daily life. But to give you some basic ideas – let me tell you that exercise improves your overall health from inside to outside, mentally as well as physically. Most importantly, it improves your sleep cycle, it stabilizes increased levels of hormones in your body and produces sleep hormones that are required for you to get a good night’s sleep.

How Exercise May Help You Sleep?

Researchers still don’t understand the phenomena between the sleep pattern and physical activity like how physical activity improves the sleep pattern.

However, it is advisable that some aerobic exercise increases the amount of slow wave which refers to deep sleep. Gamaldo says that exercise can help stabilize your mood as well as your mind – it’s a cognitive process that is essential for naturally transitioning to sleep.

The Timing of Exercise May Matter

As per the doctor – Gamaldo, Time  of the exercise may matter for some , on the other hand for some time it doesn’t matter, if it is early in the morning or late at night.  They consider exercise from the health benefit point of view whether it is sleep related or health related.

Aerobic exercise:

Release the chemical endorphin(can create a level of activity in your brain), some individuals find these kind of exercise beneficial to stay awake , so keeping this in mind, doctor suggests that these individual should do these kinds of exercise at least 1 or 2 hour before before , so that their body can feel relaxed and mind will slow down till the time of sleep.

Elevates body temperature:

According to the doctor(Gamaldo), effects of exercise may differ, as in some people it is like a hot bath that wakes them up in the morning. Increase in body temperature is the indication for the body that it is the time to awake. so to slow down the temperature and to fall asleep it is necessary that you pursue these exercises before at least 2 hours of your bed timing.

“Timing is not necessary, but exercising everyday is necessary for you. it is best to know your body type and what works best for you and do it accordingly, never try to duplicate others, as the same thing may work in a different way for different people.”

How Much Exercise You Need for Better Sleep?

Engaging yourselves at least for 30 minutes in moderate aerobic exercise can make a difference, also it will not take months or years to see the result. It will definitely improve your sleep and your overall health.

Choose exercise that you like because it will help you to stick with it without so much effort, like yoga or power lifting can increase your heart rate and help you to build the biological process in the brain and body that leads to better quality of sleep.

How is sleep hygiene associated with sleep disorder?

In an online survey conducted on prostate cancer patients after treatment. It was found that those who had insomnia problems had higher levels of anxiety, fatigue, depression, sleepiness as well as poor sleep hygiene as compared with those who had no symptoms of insomnia. 

Sleep hygiene includes your environment around you , in your house and in your bedroom, also your daily routine that promotes uninterrupted sleep.

# 2. Nutrition and your diet

Studies suggest that diets rich in refined carbohydrates are the cause of the insomia. Another name that has been given to this diet is called empty calories. Processed grain and high sugar carbs lack nutrients that are essential for our body.

Some examples of refined carbs are white bread, cookies, cakes etc. Consumption of highly refined carbs is also the reason for high blood sugar and ups and down in blood sugar level leads to insomnia – says the researchers.

Fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, beans, and other food ingredients that have no processed grains are low with glycemic index. Low GI foods help to normalize the blood sugar level  which is linked to awakening from sleep at midnight.

you can visit this site to get wholesome knowledge .

# 3. What are the effects of light on human circadian rhythms, sleep & mood

Light influences our circadian rhythms, sleep, and mood in addition to allowing us to see fine detail, color, and motion.

While exposure to light at the wrong time can interfere with circadian rhythms and sleep, light therapy allows for its use as an intervention for psychiatric and other medical problems.

Light can influence mood in a number of ways, including by directly influencing neurotransmitter availability, such as serotonin, which is associated in mood regulation, and by stimulating and balancing circadian rhythms, thereby tackling circadian desynchronization and sleep disorders, which are fairly common in people with mental disorders.

In order to treat mood and other mental diseases, light therapy has become more and more popular over the past few decades.

# 4. Insomnia: Relaxation techniques and sleeping habits

Insomnia affects nearly one in every five people at some point in their lives. It is frequently difficult to determine why someone is having difficulty sleeping.

Using relaxation techniques and changing your sleeping habits can help you sleep faster and more soundly. Many people who suffer from insomnia wish to get more sleep without resorting to sleeping pills.

It may then be positive to try relaxation techniques and determine whether the problems are originated by definite habits, such as drinking coffee late at night.

It’s also important not to obsess over how much sleep you get. Being in bed and stressing about not being able to sleep can actually keep you awake.

There are several types of relaxation techniques:

Progressive muscle relaxation:

This technique, also known as Jacobson’s or deep muscle relaxation, involves consciously tensing and then relaxing groups of muscles throughout the body one by one. Muscle relaxation can be learned by attending a class or using an audible training course.

Autogenic training (AT):

Autogenic training entails concentrating awareness on various parts of the body and consciously relaxing them. Even involuntary bodily functions such as pulse and breathing can be influenced at an advanced level to achieve deep physical relaxation. Courses teach autogenic training.


This method teaches you how your body responds to tensing and relaxing. Electrodes are placed on your body to measure muscle tension, pulse, and brain activity. These various measurements can be monitored on a screen to see how muscle relaxation or thinking specific thoughts affects them. Biofeedback can be performed at the doctor’s office or at home using a portable biofeedback device that has been trained in its use.

Imagery (visualizations):

Another common type of relaxation training is imagery, in which you imagine yourself breathing quietly, gently falling asleep, and getting a good night’s sleep.

What habits can help improve your sleep?

According to research, modifying your sleeping habits can help improve your sleep quality.

People who had been taught about sleeping habits slept in a more peaceful way and awoke less frequently. There are courses available that teach you how to change your sleeping habits. There are numerous things you can do to improve your sleeping habits.

Below you will find a few of the more common ones.

However, it is difficult to tell which of them are most likely to work based on the research.

# 5. Stimulus control

The goal is to improve the sleep wake cycle by establishing a right pattern between a person’s bed and sleeping. To make this happen a set of routine and strict control over self is required. for example –

  • It is compulsory to go to bed only when you feel tired.
  • If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t fall asleep then wake up , don’t just lie in bed.
  • Eating, drinking, watching tv, reading , all these kinds of work are prohibited in bed, so make sure that you don’t spend time in bed doing these things, beds are meant to sleep comfortably so use it properly.
  • Timing is important when it’s about sleep , make it definite that you get in bed on time and wake up at the same time each to maintain your sleep cycle.

Some important facts from research journals –

  • Metabolic syndrome is directly associated with insomnia among the elder woman.
  • Social problems, higher risks of somatic and poor quality of life are also the reasons for insomnia.
  • Breakfast is essential, because in a study it was found that those who skipped their breakfast and meals are more likely to face insomnia, in comparison with those who timely had their breakfast.
  • Individuals who prefer spicy food everyday are more likely to face sleeping disorders than those who never eat spicy food.

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