HealthSimple Ways to Keep Feet Healthy for Walkers

Simple Ways to Keep Feet Healthy for Walkers


If you’re a walker, you know that there’s nothing better than the feeling of walking barefoot on the ground. But even though it feels good to walk barefoot, it’s also important to keep your feet healthy if you want to continue walking for years to come! That’s why I’ve put together this list of simple ways that you can look after your feet. Here’s what we’ll be covering:

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Change Shoes Regularly

  • Change shoes regularly. If you walk often and/or for long periods, your feet can take quite a beating. Change shoes frequently to help keep the skin on your feet healthy and prevent blisters from forming.
  • Select shoes that fit well and are comfortable. Wearing ill-fitting or uncomfortable shoes can lead to foot issues like calluses, blisters, and corns (a thickened area of skin). Be sure to try on different styles of walking shoes in several brands before buying one pair so you know what will work best for you; this way when it comes time for replacement, it won’t be such a big deal because there won’t be any surprises!

Pad Your Feet

  • Gel insoles
  • Cushioning socks
  • Arch supports and heel cushions
  • Foot massagers

Wear Proper Socks

You’ll want to wear a breathable liner sock first, followed by a thicker outer sock. The inner sock will wick moisture away from your feet and reduce friction on the skin of your foot, while the outer one will protect your feet from blisters or abrasions if you walk on uneven terrain. Make sure that both socks are not too tight nor too loose so as not to restrict blood flow and cause discomfort or injury. Also, make sure that neither is too short or long because this can also lead to injuries such as abrasions from friction with clothing or shoes rubbing against bare skin at the ankle area where there isn’t any protection from thick socks; additionally, if they’re too long then they could bunch up inside shoes which might cause blisters.

Visit a Podiatrist

If you’re an avid walker, your feet are likely to experience some wear and tear. The podiatrist like this podiatrist in Ascot will help you keep your feet healthy for walking by using techniques such as:

  • Examining the circulation of your feet. If there’s any damage, a podiatrist can recommend ways to improve it.
  • Treating pressure sores or ulcers on your heels or toes if they have developed from a lack of support in your shoes or from standing too long without rest breaks during exercise sessions. Foot issues such as fungal infections may also need treatment by a specialist to heal properly and avoid further problems down the line (which would require more painful medical interventions).

Eat Right…

  • Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. These things are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help you keep your feet healthy.
  • Eat whole grains, nuts, and seeds. They’re also a good source of these essential nutrients.
  • Try not to eat too much salt or sugar if possible – they cause fluid retention in the body which could lead to swollen ankles if you’re an active walker!
  • Don’t forget about fish either! It’s high in omega-3 fatty acids which help protect against heart disease as well as being great for brain function so it’s worth incorporating into your diet regularly if possible.*

Drink plenty of water throughout the day; this will help keep everything working properly including those important joints between bones which are very susceptible when it comes down to physical activity such as walking long distances every day – especially when combined with bad weather conditions like rain or snow (which tend not be very pleasant).

…And Exercise Regularly

  • Exercise regularly. Even something as simple as walking for 20-30 minutes daily can help keep your foot healthy and strong.
  • Find time to exercise in your daily routine. If you’re busy, it might be helpful to set aside a block of time each day (or even once or twice a week) specifically for exercise.
  • Don’t get discouraged if you have trouble sticking with an exercise routine; it’s just like anything else! It takes time and effort before it becomes a habit, but stick with it, and eventually, it will become second nature to incorporate some kind of daily movement into your life—which is so important when it comes to staying healthy!

Trim, Lubricate and Soak Your Toes

Trim, lubricate and soak your toes.

Toenails are just as important as the rest of your feet. Trim them regularly so they don’t grow into the skin, which can cause painful ingrown nails. Use a nail clipper or file to smooth any rough edges after cutting them down. If you prefer to use a pumice stone instead of a file, soak your feet in warm water first so that dead skin is softened and easier to remove with the pumice stone (or another tool).

Pre-Walk Warm-Up

One of the most important things you can do to keep your feet healthy is to warm up before walking. A proper warm-up will increase blood flow to your muscles, helping them loosen and relax, which makes it easier for your body to perform physical activity. The more flexible and loose you are, the less strain there is on all parts of your body—including those that house your toes!

A good way to practice self-care in this regard is by following a routine each time before you get started on a walk. You can do some dynamic stretches (stretches that include movement) as part of a pre-walk warm-up or simply stretch out slowly so as not to hurt yourself afterward with too much sudden motion.

Here are some examples:

Cool Down After You Walk

Cooling down after your walk is just as important as warming up before you walk. Walking for 30 minutes in the heat can cause your body temperature to rise by 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), and this slight increase in body temperature can result in muscle damage and fatigue if it is not properly cooled down.

To cool down after a walk, try to do one or more of the following:

  • Drink water – If possible, drink 3-4 cups of cool water. This will help your body release heat more quickly.
  • Run cool water over your feet – Running cool water over your feet allows blood vessels near the surface of the skin to expand and lower core body temperature faster than simply drinking water alone. It also helps prevent swollen ankles from developing due to excess fluid retention during prolonged exercise periods like walking outside during hot weather conditions such as summertime heat waves.”

Stretch Regularly for Good Foot Health

Stretching is important for all walkers, but especially those who are on their feet for long periods. Stretching helps to keep muscles and tendons in the body loose, which can help prevent injury.

Stretches should be done before and after walking to ensure maximum benefits. Good stretches include calf, hamstring, quadriceps, hip flexor, and chest stretches.

To increase flexibility in these areas:

  • Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart; keep your back straight and bend forward from your hips until you feel a stretch in each leg (as shown). To make this stretch more intense or relaxing depending on how much effort you put into it, hold one hand against a wall for balance or let go completely if you want less tension in the muscles by allowing gravity to pull them down further towards the ground as they stretch outwards while bending forward slightly over time

It’s important to look after your feet.

Keeping your feet healthy is important. That’s because your feet are the foundation of your body, and they’re the only part of the body that is in contact with the ground. If you don’t take care of them, they can be damaged by shoes, walking, and other activities. So if you want to have healthy feet for walking or any other activity, it’s important to look after them.


If you want to keep your feet healthy for walking, you should know that it’s not always about the shoes. You need to keep your feet warm and dry, lubricate them regularly, trim your nails regularly and visit a podiatrist if there are any issues that you can’t resolve yourself. If your problem is more severe than this, then it might be best to seek medical help or even surgery!

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