DentalWhy do we lose our teeth and how can dental implants help?

Why do we lose our teeth and how can dental implants help?

Losing a tooth as a child can be very exciting, especially waking up the morning after to find a little surprise left by the tooth fairy. Losing a tooth as an adult has quite the opposite effect. It can be a very traumatic situation to find yourself in and one in which you can no longer avoid the dentist. If you have been affected by tooth loss, it is important that you speak to your dentist sooner rather than later and replace your missing teeth. Missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants Melbourne. These devices are highly efficient for replacing a tooth, restoring the function and appearance of your smile and allowing you to continue your life as you did before suffering from tooth loss. Speak to your dentist today and find out how oral implants can help you.

Gum disease and tooth loss

Gum disease is one of the most common causes of missing teeth. In Australia, it is important to visit the dentist on a regular basis to identify and treat gum disease early on before it progresses and causes further complications. To prevent gum disease you need to maintain good dental hygiene practices, eat healthily and make good lifestyle choices. Your dentist will provide you with tailored advice to help maintain healthy teeth and gums.

If left untreated then gum disease results in tooth loss. Dental implants are an ideal choice for tooth replacement, however gum disease will need to be treated before you can undergo dental implant surgery. Although this may take time it is important to prevent your dental implant from failing. It is also important to prevent any other teeth from falling out.

Cavities and tooth loss

Cavities are another common cause of tooth loss. Again in Australia cavities and tooth decay are more common than in other similar countries. Cavities begin as small holes in your teeth that become deeper and larger until the inner dental pulp becomes infected, causing significant pain and discomfort. Cavities can be detected very early on if you visit the dentist regularly, sometimes the tooth can be saved with a root canal treatment, but if you avoid the dentist then the cavity will cause irreversible damage to your teeth and result in tooth loss. Dental implants can be used to replace teeth that have been affected by cavities and tooth decay. The tooth will need to be extracted and once the area has healed the implant can be put into place and fitted with a beautiful porcelain crown to restore your missing tooth. This will never be as good as your original tooth, however it is the second best thing. Once you have undergone dental implant surgery it is important that you continue with good dental hygiene practices and that you visit the dentist on a regular basis to make sure that your implant is firmly in place, but also to prevent cavities and gum disease from affecting your remaining teeth. 

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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