HealthWhat Is Cosmetic Dentistry & Its Types?

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry & Its Types?

There are many different dental complexities that people come across throughout their lifetime. Some of those complexities include discolored teeth, stained teeth, chipped or broken teeth, gaps in between teeth, and even misaligned teeth. Therefore, no matter the complexity, everybody can get their beautiful smiles back with the help of professionals at cosmetic dentistry Lake Forest.

Moreover, cosmetic dentistry procedures are highly effective in terms of enhancing the smile of an individual, no matter the dental complexity. In addition, there are many different types of cosmetic dentistry that professionals like Irvine dentists use to enhance the smile of their patients. Therefore, let us take a look at some of those types.   

Different Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental Implants: Dental implants are made of titanium and used as a replacement for the roots of our teeth. These implants are inserted in the bone socket of the missing or damaged tooth.

Eventually, as the jawbone is behind to heal, it begins to grow around the implanted post made of metal. Anchoring the dental implant tightly to the patient’s jaw can act as a foundation for the replaced tooth. Before undergoing this process, you need to first look for a dental implant dentist who can give your teeth a new and improved look with the best dental treatment. 

  1. Teeth Whitening: This is one of the least expensive and simple ways to enhance our smile. In this process, our teeth are bleached with different in-office products that can be found in the dentist’s office.

Either this or one can purchase a mold and gels from professionals like dentist Irvine CA to bleach the teeth right from the comfort of our homes. There are also many teeth whitening products at general counters of retail stores.

  1. Tooth Filling Replacement: White fillings are very different amalgam fillings to match the color of your natural tooth enamel. This means that one is not required to feel self-conscious about having their mouth filled with pieces of metal. People with white fillings can drink hot beverages without the fear of causing any harm to the fixture and killing the bacteria simultaneously.     
  1. Dental Crown: Dental crown is also called a cap that fits over and replaces the entire damaged or decayed right above the gum line while restoring the size, shape, appearance, and strength. Dental crowns provide enough support to a weakened or cracked tooth so that the tooth does not fall off or break apart. Dental crowns are generally made of metal, resin, porcelain fused metal, and even ceramics.

Read More: Tips for Selecting the Perfect Dentist for You

Final Thoughts

Cosmetic dentistry can do wonders for an individual with different types of dental complexities. Therefore, if anyone requires a cosmetic dentistry treatment, it is important to keep this information in mind as it will help them make a better and informed decisions.

You are not happy with your smile. You are worried about how it affects your personal life and professional career.

Your smile is the first thing people notice about you. It’s important to invest in your smile to feel confident and enjoy life more.
Try Michael Zaninovich Aria Dental a leading cosmetic dentistry clinic in Perth, providing dental treatment that transforms smiles for life!

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