DentalModern teeth straightening with Invisalign

Modern teeth straightening with Invisalign

If you are thinking about improving the alignment of your teeth, you need to speak to your dentist and find out about the different options that are available for you. By examining your teeth and assessing the misalignment issues that are affecting your teeth, your dentist will be able to help choose the right type of braces and put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you. There are many different types of braces and one of the most popular braces for teeth straightening is currently Invisalign Sydney.

This method uses clear thermoplastic aligners to straighten your teeth. They are an excellent alternative to traditional braces for patients who are looking for a discreet treatment option. The aligners look like plastic retainers, however, rather than maintaining the alignment of your teeth these trays apply pressure to your teeth to push them into a neater formation. This is done by changing the aligners every two weeks to a new set which are shaped slightly differently to the one before so that your teeth can move by approximately 0.25 mm each time towards the direction that you wish to push them into.

It is a modern method of teeth straightening; however it has quickly become well established and has helped correct more than 14 million smiles across the world. Celebrities, adults, teenagers and even dentists straighten their teeth using this system.

Advantages of Invisalign

The aligners are almost invisible when they are in your mouth, and you can take them out and replace them as necessary, so they do not affect your daily life. It is recommended that you wear them for approximately 22 hours of the day, but you can take them out at mealtimes so that you can enjoy all your favourite foods. After your meal it is essential that you clean your teeth thoroughly, brushing, flossing, and using a good mouthwash so that your teeth are clean and free of any food particles before you put your aligners back in your mouth. This means that you can maintain excellent dental hygiene during the treatment. Invisalign Las Vegas For Comfortable, Invisible, Life-Changing Dental Treatment. 

With Invisalign you should be able to straighten your teeth within 6 to 18 months depending on how crooked or wonky your teeth are. For patients who have very minor orthodontic needs they should only need a six-month treatment plan, whereas those with more complex issues such as overlapping teeth, overcrowded teeth and different types of bite disorders may take approximately 18 months. Your dentist will put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you. You will know exactly how many aligners you will need and how long the process will take before you commit to Invisalign and what’s great is that you can even see what your smile will look like at the end. If this sounds like what you are looking for then speak to your dentist today and book a consultation so that your dentist can examine your teeth and gums, find out if Invisalign is suitable for you and help you on your journey to achieving beautiful straight teeth.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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