Men's HealthAn Overview of the Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

An Overview of the Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

  • Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition caused by either physiological or psychological reasons. 
  • Erectile Dysfunction makes sexual intercourse difficult or almost impossible to happen.
  • It is a condition that men or people with male genitalia experience.
  • Prescription medicines such as Cenforce 150 mg, Fildena 100, Vidalista 20 can be bought at Cure Villa Pharmacy (an online pharmacy) to treat erectile dysfunction.
  • Here is an overview of treatments for Erectile Dysfunction ( sizegenetics before and after ).

Overview of Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be remedied via a lot of different types of treatments available.

To name some – Oral medication, Shock therapy, Dietary changes, Surgery, Instruments to aid with getting a boner, injections, therapy, kegel exercises, etc.

Also, you can prefer Penis fillers, which are designed to increase the organ’s girth,which have gained in popularity, cosmetic surgery groups say.

  • Oral medication is simply a pill that one takes 45 minutes to 1 hour before getting involved in sexual intercourse. 
    These medications are prescribed by doctors and can be bought at pharmaceuticals when one shows their description page.
    Along with erectile dysfunction, dealing with impotence, and premature ejaculation (when a person has difficulty holding out till their partner climaxes) these conditions can also be cured or remedied via oral medications.
  • Shock Wave therapy is offered as a non-evasive remedy when oral medications do not seem to work. a month to three months of shock wave therapy would show results.
    Shock wave therapy’s effectiveness is still being contemplated by studies and doctors alike. It seems to show dramatic improvement in the beginning but it is still not sure how long-term it will work.
  • Surgery for those who like to be impulsive with their sex routine. It is an evasive choice of treatment but works. Surgery is not usually recommended to everyone. Doctors prefer to exhaust every other option before moving onto surgery.
  • Injections are another way. Unlike oral medication, these injections are directly injected into the penis before having sexual intercourse. 
  • Sex therapy is offered to patients who do not have any physiological reasons behind their erectile dysfunction. It might be stress from work or stress of having to perform, all these can cause erectile dysfunction. Sex therapy helps resolve this and helps with getting a strong erection back. Group therapy or even couple’s therapy might be recommended in some scenarios.
  • Instruments such as penis pumps etc, help with getting an erection in mechanical ways, these require pumps that suck blood into the penis and by creating an air vacuum. These work but require a mechanical contraption and some time before to help out with the erection. Mechanical methods do not cause any interference and are non-evasive.
  • Dietary changes Changes in food and diet plans, habits help with better blood flow and getting a firmer erection.
  • Kegel Exercises are also helpful with this (erectile dysfunction))
  • Kegel exercises are also recommended for premature ejaculation.

Understanding Shock Wave Therapy

  • Low-intensity shock wave therapy (LiSWT) is prescribed to help out with Erectile Dysfunction.
  • It is deemed safe by doctors.
  • It is a non-evasive remedy for erectile dysfunction.
  • Younger patients with temporary Erectile dysfunction need not get shock wave therapy.
  • This remedy is for patients who have had erectile dysfunction for a longer period.
  • Shock-wave therapy increases PDE5-inhibitors in one’s body thereby aiding in getting erections and lasting longer.New blood vessels grow and blood flow is also stimulated via shock Wave therapy.
  • Shock Wave therapy starts showing dramatic results after a one-month to three-month follow-up.
  • A con is that The FDA (Food and drug administration) has yet to approve shock wave therapy as a treatment of erectile dysfunction.
  • Urologists do prescribe this as a non-evasive sort of treatment.
  • It is very important to ensure that while getting a shock wave therapy treatment it is being administered by someone who has a license to do so. 
  • Shock Wave – therapy is fairly new in the market of treatments in erectile dysfunction though being used for other treatments already, it is costly. 
  • These do not usually get covered by insurance either, so they can be fairly heavy on anyone’s pocket and therefore slightly out of reach as a remedy for everyone.
  • Discussed in brief – blood in urine, penile curvature might worsen, painful erections, pain at site during treatment, bruising and pain around the penis, potential risk of skin infection, also, possible bleeding while getting the therapy.
  • Shock Wave Therapy has not been explored to the extent that longer details be studied or discussed. 
  • While short-term therapy seems beneficial, long-term therapy is not something that can be talked about with the current set of data available.
  • Shock wave therapy is a remedy that needs to be explored more to finally be talked about with a firm understanding of how it would work out in the future as a longer remedy.

Precautions with oral medication

  • Those patients who decide to take oral medications need to keep a few things in mind.
  • Patients with chronic diseases.
  • Patients who are experiencing temporary ED.
  • Patients who experience allergic reactions.
  • Personality disorder medications such as borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, multiple personality disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, etc are not to be mixed with oral medications prescribed for erectile dysfunction.

Cure villa Pharmacy

  • This is an online pharmaceutical.
  • Prescription medication can be bought here at Cure Villa Pharmacy.
  • Medicines for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, impotence are for sale here.
  • Some medicines include sildenafil, Cenforce 100, sildenafil tablets, Vidalista 100, sildenafil citrate, Fildena 100.


  • There are numerous things available to help with erectile dysfunction, namely shock wave therapy, oral medication, Dietary changes, Surgery, Instruments to aid with getting a boner, injections, therapy, kegel exercises, etc.
  • One can find a solution suitable to their needs and pursue it.
  • Some solutions are offered as a last resort, while some solutions are small changes or additions to one’s lifestyle.
  • All in all erectile dysfunction is remediable whether by temporary solutions or long-lasting treatments.

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