HealthStandard vs Light Wheelchair - What’s the Difference?

Standard vs Light Wheelchair – What’s the Difference?

If you are looking for a wheelchair to help assist you in your daily life, then you need to find one that fits your lifestyle rather than choosing the most popular option and adapting your life to it. Finding the right wheelchair can be complex, especially if you are a first-time user and there are multiple options and types available, varying in their ease of use, manoeuvrability, and durability. There are two main types of wheelchairs; light wheelchair and standard wheelchair. We will compare these in detail to help you make an informed decision.

What are Light Wheelchairs?

Light wheelchairs were explicitly designed for adults or children who can’t propel their weight, along with the wheelchair’s weight, easily. These wheelchairs are generally made of aluminum and weigh less.

Their defining characteristics are their wheels. It has two large rear wheels and two small front wheels, making it easier to be propelled by a user or caretaker.

What are Standard Wheelchairs?

Standard wheelchairs, also known as transport wheelchairs, are made of heavy metal, making them bulky and harder to propel. The wheelchair can weigh around 35 to 40 pounds and require extra upper muscle strength to propel them. As a result, they are only suitable for short-term usage.

Difference Between Light and Standard Wheelchairs

Let’s look at the distinguishing factors between standard and light wheelchairs.


Standard wheelchairs have smaller rear and front wheels. The rear wheels are fixed and cannot swivel. They are also equipped with a brake which can be used by the caretaker when the user is placed on or off the wheelchair. In contrast, light wheelchairs have two larger rear wheels and smaller front wheels; both can swivel. They are self-propelling, and users can use the rear wheels to push themselves forward or backwards.


Standard wheelchairs are made of heavy steel and are inexpensive compared to light wheelchairs. Why? Because they don’t offer their users space for customization and are bulky to handle for the long term. The extra weight and bulky frame are unsuitable for children or adults and require extra muscular strength for propelling. Moreover, the wheels are rigid and not suitable for rough terrain.

In contrast, light wheelchairs are made of aluminum, extremely light, and suitable for every terrain. Children and adults can propel themselves without the assistance of a caretaker. Moreover, they can be customized according to the patient’s weight, size, and height.


When it comes to capacity, standard wheelchairs are a more favorable option. Their built and heavy steel material means they can carry more weight for longer periods as compared to light wheelchairs that are made of very light metal. That’s why standard wheelchairs are more commonly used in hospitals for in-house patients.


If you have a vigorous physical routine, you need to find a wheelchair to keep up with it. Between standard and light wheelchairs, light wheelchairs offer more mobility due to their lightweight frame and build. Moreover, their wheels provide a wider range of motion and can handle multiple terrains, making them ideal for sports and outdoor activities.


We hope our standard vs light wheelchair comparison helped you categorize your needs and requirements and decide accordingly. While standard wheelchairs can carry more weight, they are not ideal for long-term use. Whereas light wheelchairs offer more mobility and customization options.

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