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Swimming pools are a great way to stay active and healthy, but you should know that they come with some risks. This article will cover the most common health problems you might experience when swimming in a pool. By knowing about these risks, you can minimize them by installing a filter pool and following proper etiquette around swimming pools.
Rashes with itchy bumps
If you’re itching, you likely have swimmers’ itch. This is caused by a parasite and can be treated with antihistamines or crusted skin creams. If you’re prone to itchy bumps, try showering after swimming to prevent breakouts in the future (and for general hygiene purposes).
Swimmer’s ear
Swimming pool water can also cause ear infections, known as swimmer’s ear. Swimmer’s ear is an infection of the outer ear canal. Symptoms include pain, itching, redness, swelling, and discharge from the ear. Treatment options include antibiotics or over-the-counter drops for pain relief.
Swimmer’s acne
Swimmer’s acne is a skin condition caused by bacteria that live in pools. The bacteria can get on your skin and cause pimples, similar to what you’d experience with regular acne. Swimmers are most susceptible after they’ve been in the water for several hours and have not washed their skin with soap before swimming.
Swimmer’s acne can be treated with topical antibiotics or oral antibiotics, but it’s best avoided by washing off all oil products and lotions before swimming (even if they say they’re waterproof), wearing sunscreen while at the pool, showering immediately after swimming, and not rubbing any cuts on your body while in the pool (which may allow bacteria access to those areas).
Folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicle that can be caused by bacteria and fungi. In rare cases, it can be transmitted through contaminated water or even by shaving in the pool.
Pink eye, or conjunctivitis
Swimming in a pool can spread pink eye or conjunctivitis. Pink eye is an infection that affects the eyes and causes them to be red or swollen. It is contagious, which means it spreads from person to person. To prevent pink eye from spreading through a swimming pool, avoid getting water in your eyes while you are swimming. Wearing goggles will help protect against infections as well as keep your hair out of the way if it’s long enough for you to put in a ponytail like mine! If you do get sick with pink eye after swimming at the pool make sure not to share towels with other people because this could make their eyes red too!
If someone has already been infected then they will have symptoms such as itching around their eyelids and sometimes even swelling up underneath where they were exposed during exposure activities such as playing sports etcetera…
Eye allergies and dry eyes
Swimming pools can be a breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms. If you or someone in your family has allergies, you may want to avoid swimming in a pool frequently. You should also not swim if you have an open wound because the water may cause infections or irritate the injury.
If your eyes are irritated by chlorine, try using goggles instead of wearing contacts while swimming. You can wipe out any residual chemicals on yourself before entering another body of water (like the ocean).
Swimming pools can be very healthy for you if you are mindful of the risks.
Swimming is a great way to stay fit, relieve stress, and meet new people. It’s also fun! You may be wondering if swimming pools are also healthy for you. The answer is yes—but only if you’re mindful of the risks.
Swimming pools have been associated with an increased risk of developing legionella bacteria infections in older adults who swim frequently enough for more than 20 minutes at a time (1). However, these infections can be prevented by maintaining high chlorine levels—around 1–3 parts per million (ppm).
The most important thing is to be mindful of your health while swimming, and if you begin to feel any sort of irritation or itchiness around your eyes or ears, then it might be time for a quick trip to the doctor. If you’re still worried about getting pink eye from swimming pools, then maybe consider using goggles instead!