DentalWhat Kind of Treatments Does an Oral Surgeon Provide?

What Kind of Treatments Does an Oral Surgeon Provide?

As anyone with dental troubles knows all too well, our mouths require a specialized kind of care. While a general dentist fixes some of the oral problems, others are complicated and require the expertise of an oral surgeon.

Oral conditions like tooth extractions, jaw surgeries, and dental implants that can be complicated are best in an oral surgeon’s hands. This article discusses the kinds of treatments and services to expect from one.

Specialized Procedures and Treatments

From routine procedures to complex operations, their goal centers on restoring full function and comfort for each unique patient. Understanding the diverse expertise an oral surgeon contributes starts with recognizing their extensive education and personalized care philosophy.

As dental specialists concentrating solely on oral surgery, these professionals undergo intensive additional schooling and clinical experience beyond standard dentistry education. Whether performing jaw surgeries, placing dental implants, treating infections, or reconstructing the face following an injury, they tailor each treatment plan to suit an individual’s specific requirements.

Extracting Impacted Teeth and Aligning Jaws

Tooth extractions are typically the most common type of oral problem. For simple extractions, dentists numb the area and use their forceps. However, sometimes the cases aren’t straightforward, and an oral surgeon offers his services when complications arise.

Types of teeth extraction complications include a broken tooth and wisdom teeth abnormalities. Wisdom teeth are so problematic that oral surgeons remove 10 million wisdom teeth from children and adults, specifically in the USA.

When wisdom teeth fail to grow normally and are overcrowded, an oral surgeon extracts the affected tooth. They remove the impacted wisdom teeth to minimize the risk of severe damage or bone loss.

Oral surgeons also extract teeth when periodontal disease has compromised the gum, and a filling or crown is impossible. They clean the affected gums and flush away bacteria to prevent further deterioration.

Managing Cysts, Tumors, and Post-Surgical Complications 

Beyond extractions and implants, oral surgeons frequently manage cysts or tumors occurring in the mouth or maxillofacial region. Biopsies help discern concerning oral growths, and if cancerous, they may excise the affected area. They also treat complications related to wisdom teeth, such as dry socket, which requires special post-operative care. 

Additional specialized duties involve repairing fractures, such as if the jawbone cracks during an accident or impact. Reconstructive surgeries following trauma or disease also aid facial structural integrity and appearance.

Prioritizing Individualized Care and Safety

Whether a routine procedure or an extensive operation, each surgeon upholds meticulous safety standards and the utmost compassion. State-of-the-art private facilities and training produce optimal results. 

Through personalized planning and treatment, oral surgeons help patients manage various conditions while prioritizing their individual needs to achieve excellent long-term oral health.

What Kind of Treatments Does an Oral Surgeon Provide? In Conclusion

In conclusion, oral surgeons offer extensive yet conscientious treatment methods for an array of dental or craniofacial issues. By carefully navigating each unique requirement, these highly-skilled professionals restore total functionality and comfort. Understanding their extensive multi-faceted expertise enables patients to appreciate top-quality specialized care addressing any oral surgery needs.

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